Digital UX, simplified*

We help you make better products with our proven collaborative and iterative research and design process.

How do you innovate and know that your app, website or SaaS product is providing value to users?

What’s the best way to integrate user-centred design into your digital project?

Why are digital transformation and redesign projects so darn hard to get right?

* What does UX mean? Learn more.


Why it's better to put a little User Experience in your product development lifecycle early and often...

Time to Market

By using a lean methodology, prototyping early and often, and validating concepts with real users before starting to code, the development time can be slashed significantly.

True Collaboration

So often, a design workflow involves "Don Draper"-style presentations of creative... What if the process was collaborative from the start, with the right people in the room (or in the Hangout) when they need to be.

Product-Market Fit

Wouldn't it be great if you built products that were valuable to your user base right out of the starting block? Just a bit of research up front can provide amazing long-term benefits and reduce the risk of needing an early pivot.

The return on investment and risk mitigation benefits of leveraging user centred design & research, design thinking and lean principles can be eye-opening. Together, these concepts provide tangible and repeatable cost and time savings. Want to learn how? Contact us now.


This is what we do. Let's collaborate to learn what fits best with your timeline, budget and scope.


The best way to understand how good a job your experience does for your customers is to simply watch them.

  • Usability Assessments
  • SUS Assessments
  • Competitive Review
  • Concept Testing

User Research

When you need to find out something new, sometimes you just need to go out and talk to people.

  • Journey Mapping
  • Persona Development
  • Service Design
  • User Workshops
  • Task Analysis

Product Design

The journey to a kick-ass product needs a lot of collaboration, sketching and trying some stuff out. We help you do that.

  • Lightning Decision Jams
  • User Flows
  • Sketch Sessions
  • Prototype Design
  • Validation Testing


After 15 years of directing a world-class team on projects large and small, we can now help you figure out the path forward.

  • Design Sprints
  • Project Scoping
  • Capability Assessments
  • UX/Development Integration


A select few of the brands we've worked with.

Advocis Broker Services
ATB Financial
Mountain Equipment Co-op
Shaw Communications
University of Regina
Wawanesa Insurance


Discovery. Collaboration. Lean Design. Validation.

Understand your Users - User Research

User experience isn’t just about empathy. Sometimes you need to put boots to the ground and talk to customers, stakeholders or internal users. The right solution comes from understanding their shared needs and building relevant insights. Let’s figure out the right plan to unlock the value.

Scope and Scale - UX Ops

Someone has to figure out what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and how to do it. We’ve done this and delivered on projects for clients large and small consistently on time and on budget.

Define the Experience - UX Analysis

Once you know what you're building, you need to plan how the user will interact and what they can do when. Sometimes we research how this could work (design thinking methodologies). Other times, we use flow diagramming to ensure that everyone is on the same page about how it will work.

Build & Test - Design & Prototyping

With all the planning and structure done, you still have to create an interface. And every project should have real users validate your prototype. Here’s a few of my faves!

About Paul

25 years of digital know how.

  • Practicing UX for over 25 years
  • Deep knowledge and expertise in User Research, Collaborative Design, Interaction Design, Prototyping and Lean Product
  • Extensive experience in Telecom, e-Commerce, and Insurance verticals as well as complex B2B portal strategy and design
  • Built and managed a world-class agency focused on UX for 12 years
  • Certified in Pragmatic Marketing Product Management and as Scrum Master
  • Helping the local community through UX training and business consulting
  • Worked with enterprise and startups alike
  • Will bring collaborative, iterative mindset to any research or design project

Paul Nishikawa


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